Sunday, February 23, 2014


And some more progress on the Dire Avengers.

Although I brought two Wave Serpents with me, I only got to start on the basecoat for my Crimson Hunter. I actually started with them, but I was using the airbrush paint that i got when I bought the kit originally. After I had finished basecoating one of the serpents and got half-way through the next, I noticed that the gloss from the paint being wet never went away, and then came to realize that the paint that I had was, fact, gloss paint. I got the majority of it off the tanks when I got home.

I did bring some of my normal paints with me too, and I diluted it and painted the Crimson Hunter because it didn't get painted with gloss paint. I'm pretty grateful at this point I chose to paint the flyer in accordance with its shrine colors rather than my Craftworld colors. Next week I'll continue playing with it a little.

The Dire Avengers saw a little progress this week too. I spent a lot of time on the white, but I also painted all the gems black and did some lining on a couple of the models. Hoping to do most of the rest of the work over the next week, but we'll see how overly-optimistic that goal is.

Alright, that's all for this week. Tune in next time for more progress. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Basecoating the First Batch

Alright, I'm finally getting somewhere with these guys. Had some time to really put in for basecoating the unit I've been working on.

The blues are basically ready for highlighting, which means I can do the final assembly soon. I also got the chance to detail some of the parts on the model, as well as do the bone colors of the weapons.

Also tried out freehanding some texturing on the first avenger, attempting to get a little better at adding grain to the bone. I still think my strokes are a little too big, but I have a lot more practicing to do. Sorry, cell camera doesn't really get the detail well.

The Crimson Hunter is still sitting on my desk, I've been meaning to break out the airbrush to start working on him. I think this week I'll give it a go.

That's all for this week!

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Been a slow week. Still working way too many hours. I got a few models primed so that i could base coat them this weekend. Only halfway through so far, but here's the progress:

Mostly just the undercoats of blue on the Dire Avengers. I'm not worried too much about the Exarch yet, I want to be able to focus more exclusively on painting him later. I'm still working through the customizations on each of the Dire Avengers, I'll figure them out while painting them.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Getting back Into it

Maybe a little premature, since work is still so busy, but I'd like to put up an update showing my more recent work. So let's just get right into this. My desk looks like this currently:


First off, what I am currenly working on. The painted Dire Avengers in the back I painted years ago, and I have them here as a reference for this unit. The unpainted Dire Avengers have been my focus, since my new army is full of them. I also recently bought a Crimson hunter to modernize my army.


So this is the bulk of the work I've done. I had a bunch of dire avenger legs glued to bases, so I dug up the rest of the sprues, built the remainder of the model, and detailed the bases. Also made some objective markers with spirit stones on the bases. The idea is that the spirit stones are the objective, and the little statue is there more so the marker doesn't blend in with the table and I forget it. All of them also have minor amounts of sculpting, mostly to blend seams where the parts didn't glue together cleanly. The middle one I sculpted a new faceplate onto her helmet, and added a few trophies to her base from battles the unit has fought in.


This is the unit Exarch. I had never been able to decide on a base for him up until I discovered I have a billion little pieces of slate in a bin (yay!). I re-sculpted the face plate on his helmet after I finished the base. The knee was done when the model was built (I forget how long ago now, maybe at the beginning of 4th ed?), and I'm not too happy looking at it now. I have yet to decide whether or not I'm going to attempt to fix it.


Also Crimson Hunter Exarch. I recently just got back into the hobby, and much to my joy there are now Flyers. I have a Phoenix and a Nightwing, but many of my local tournaments don't like forgeworld models, and to stay competitive, I bought a Crimson Hunter for a Christmas Gift to myself. I've spent the last month meticulously assembling and detailing the model.


Remember that slate I mentioned? I decided to detail out the base of the flyer and make it look like a rocky wasteland. So far those are about the only details I've decided on for basing the army. Added a few WE twigs to add some diversity.

I've already gone ahead and painted the cockpit, since it'll be harder to reach once the model is fully assembled. I decided to go with an Exarch for my first crimson hunter, and painted the pilot to match. I used a Dire Avenger head and cleaned him up a little, and then painted him to look like his skin was crystalline. I remember reading fluff somewhere that Exarchs begin turning crystal as they meld into their armor, and thought it was a cool detail. I have yet to really touch the screens, I am working out exactly what to paint there right now.

 And that's about it for now. I have a lot of models to paint (My collection is around 10,000k, and that's just my Eldar). The majority of them are unpainted, in some state of assembled, and otherwise probably only barely field-able by most people's standards. My focus right now is building the core of my new army, which consists of wave serpents and aspect warriors. I have at least two more units of Dire Avengers to roll out after this one, and some fire dragons too.

Thanks for reading!